Sunday, August 14, 2011

Boring Stardoll.

Hey sorry i havent posted in a while. I have been extremely busy. So i just wanted to say how boring stardoll is getting. I mean, come on people, we need more drama! More excitement! More contests! Its just getting so boring. Sorry if im whining to much. I just think stardoll needs more excitement! Now its all about covergirl, nothing to do if your not talented on stardoll. What do u think stardoll needs?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chapter 2: Sea Of Stars

Gooood Morning! Stardoll has released Sea of Stars Chapter 2, Candles and Computers!
Do you like? I havent been that caught up in reading it, its a little confusing, but a great concept! You can read it yourself HERE.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

50% Extra Stardollars

Hello my dear stardoll readers! So stardoll has a made a new for you to buy more stardollars. I have to admit, its a pretty good deal.
Will you do it? Comment!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Celebration Event!

YIPPEEE!! Stardoll has just got a great new feature!! Making you spend more money. Blah. So the way they are making you spend more money is the Summer Celebration Event.

So what you do is waste all your stardollars and get 5 free items! What do you think? Will you spend you oh-so-precious stardollars? Comment

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Born on the Fourth of Chambray

Hey guys! So there is a new line of styled oufits, Born on the Fourth of Chambray. The clothes contain a lot of blue. They KIND OF  remind me of hobo clothes(eek!) What do you think of them? Oh, and you can buy them in Bonjour Bisou, Rio, and Folk.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Alice and Olivia Tribute.

Hey guys ! Sorry I havent posted in so long, Ive been really busy. Theres a new tribute store out, Alice + Oliva.

Real Versions(Thanks to

Its a nice collection. I dont think Ill buy anything though, a LITTLe pricey.
Will you buy anything? Comment.


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hey! I am sooo sorry I havent been on in forever=( I will be posting much more now!